April sold statistics for Ventura, Camarillo and Oxnard

Here are the April sold statistics for properties that closed escrow in April, and they show some interesting differences between Ventura, Camarillo and Oxnard. Comparing differences with March stats, Camarillo and Oxnard are still showing price declines, but Ventura’s sold prices have jumped.

Because there can be variances that affect the list prices and sold prices, we tend to focus on the more “generic” price per square foot when we analyze where the market is going.

The drag on Oxnard, and to a lesser extent Camarillo, are the numerous “short-pays” and foreclosure properties (REO – real estate owned) that are putting the big hurt on regular sellers.

As painful as the market is for existing property owners, the overall effect is a cleansing of a marketplace that was way off kilter. We are seeing a flood of entry level, first time homebuyers coming into the market – and investors, who are making numerous “low ball” offers on properties hoping to score big in this down turn.

It’ll be fun to see how we progress through spring and into summer!

Filed under article topic: 2008 Solds
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