Not impressed by House hearings on bailout

Driving around town today, I was listening on XM radio to the live House hearing on the proposed $700 billion bailout bill before Congress. Panel members were given 5 minutes to quiz either Treasury Secretary Paulson or Fed Chairman Bernanke. But each panel member used the bulk of the time to express their opinions, and when they finally got around to asking Paulson or Bernanke a question, there was no time left to answer the question!

One Congressman couldn’t even carry on a coherent monolog – every other word was “Uh….” – boring! I muted him he was soooo bad! And some of the monologs were so rambling, unfocused, unprepared, not thought out, etc, that I thought “How could these people even have gotten themselves elected to Congress?!?”

I was not impressed with the politicians I heard today. Much of what I heard today was grandstanding by people who I believe love to hear themselves (and no one else) speak. God help us all!

Filed under article topic: The Economy/Economics,The Fed & Housing policy
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