Cell phones and learning Spanish

moto-x-smallWal-Mart is just 2 MetroBus stops north of us.  At the beginning of our stay at the Casa earlier this week, we weren’t brave enough to venture on the bus so we walked.  It’s maybe less than a mile or so up Insurgentes (super big boulevard) from where the Casa is and this is a Super Wal-Mart – meaning it’s huge.

While Leslie went off to explore, I wandered over (like always!) to the electronics area and looked around the cellphone displays.  We’d already bought a new SIM card (telCel) for Leslie’s iPhone (so now we have a local number) but I haven’t done anything yet with my Sprint 4g CDMA phone (that’s for another post – most of the world is GSM, not CDMA).

So I took a look at the Moto X and Nexus 4 they had on display – whoa! The prices were almost double from US prices (over $9,000 pesos) and I couldn’t even buy the new Nexus (Google phone) 5 here.  $9,000 pesos is about $700 US , so I a snapped a picture of some lesser phones to consider and research.  Take a close look – they use the US dollar sign for pesos here!

My CDMA phone (which I love) works for data and Skype here as long as I get wi-fi, but it’s limiting because a lot of the time I’m off internet and cell coverage.  It’s something I’m thinking about, but for now we’re just connected via Leslie’s phone.

But – my phone works great as a camera, so I always carry it with me and I’m using it to start learning Spanish.  I take pictures a lot (like menus!), then figure them out with Google translate when we get back to the Casa.




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