Oxnard MLS listings – homes sold in February

Here are the February sold statistics for Oxnard in our new expanded 14 month format. The homes sold and condos sold data comes from Oxnard MLS listings.

Filed under article topic: 2009 Solds,Homes sold
Comments (2)

2 Responses to “Oxnard MLS listings – homes sold in February”

  1. Connie Lou Says:

    I was told by VC Assessors Office to contact a realtor to see what comparable homes have sold in my area so I can get a re-assesment. I need a value as of 1-1-2009. Can you send me anything? My address is 1110 W. Bottlebrush Place, Oxnard, CA 93030
    thank you.

  2. Don Says:

    Hi Connie Lou – we’ll respond by private email to you!