January real estate activity for Ventura, Camarillo and Oxnard from the MLS

Here you’ll find quarterly and monthly real estate activity in chart form for homes sold in Ventura, Oxnard and Camarillo and also the data particulars for each city. All data is taken from the Ventura MLS, Oxnard MLS and Camarillo MLS.

NOTE: While the following sold prices and numbers sold reveal some change – or no change, it’s important to see at the end the Detailed statistics for pendings (in escrow) for true trends indicating where the housing market is going – not where it’s been!!

Sold prices – Single family homes in Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo:

The monthly chart shows sold prices are softer year over year for all three cities while comparing January of 2011 with December 2010 – Ventura remains unchanged and Camarillo and Oxnard have softened.

Sold prices – Condos in Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo:

Sold prices for condos in the three cities remains practically unchanged year over year and for January compared to the previous month of December.

Numbers soldSingle family homes in Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo:

Year over year shows an increase for Camarillo while Ventura and Oxnard remain steady. Comparing one month of activity shows the number of homes sold in all three cities is softer for January as to December.

Detailed statistics for single family homes sold in:

Detailed statistics for condos sold in:

Detailed statistics for pendings (in escrow) – single family homes and condos sold in:

Pendings are leading edge indicators of current market activity – reflecting the upcoming activity and indicators for trends to come. For the month of January 2011, Camarillo and Oxnard are very strong right out of the running gate!

Filed under article topic: 2011 Pendings,2011 Solds,Homes sold,Market statistics/Trends,Pending home sales
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